Though, for some reason I would like to start making an English version of my articles.. (I need because of the balance between posters and receipants).
Hope one day I found comments from the overseas.
Today I would like to explain you what I know about the typical way of achieving FIRE in Japan.
How to FIRE when you are an ordinary student in Japan?
Normally people, like me, tends to study until they graduate from university, and starts to get his job as an employee in a well known global company like Toyota/Honda.
Until now on people worked with his full span of life in one company, without changing his job and where he are employed.
So that people spend his whole life in one community, might sounds strange from your perspective!
It also made people don’t being have to worry about his money for the accomodation, child’s education, and get enough retirement pay with Japanese national pension system feeding his whole residual of life.
No one thought about FIRE, Financial Independency Retire Early, no one even being proud of his asset and shames to have money as the first priority. May be a flaver of Samurai Spirit.
Nowadays, how it changed? People works for money to achieve early retirement 🙂
What even interesting the “youngs” start to plan FIRE with following way
-Work hard earn money
-Limit exhausting (live like hermit)
-Invest to stock market with maximum risk
Someone like me also invest to solor energy or real estates, gold and crypt currency. I guess I am not a Samurai heart but a Japanese typical business man called “Salary man”.
100 million yen and apply 4% rule!
With historical experiment 100 million yen of stock and bond is proved to be able to expect earning 4 million yen per year, which is called 4% rule comes from I guess United States.
100 million yen is not a realistic amount when ordinal employee in Japan plans to earn, so people trys to limit paying in his life to make the inverse of 4% smaller enough.
I think better to think about also spending money since diffinitely could be one way to get happiness, of course it’s not the only way but it is one.
As older as we get, as smaller as our ability to sense delight.
I will try to build up 100 million yen of capital 🙂
Closing the post with introducing my capital.
Real estate: apartment in Nagoya

Solar energy plant: “Kasumi”&”Sakura”

Stocks and others: Honda, Kadokawa, Yamaha, popular US/CH/Asia companies, BTC/ETH Gold and so on and so on…
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading (^^)